The happiness moment is to take something others' dream into reality. This is why I have chosen to become a designer.
Colour should come in the early design of creation. It's not something you splash on at the last moment. The attitude of a designer affects everything. I use 3D modelling to take my thoughts and put them into reality, this is the goal of all special designer. Rhinoceros, Keyshot and the Adobe series are the tools that I use to meet these things.
Life exists beyond the mind in creation. I enjoy the process of design. From sketching, making prototype, 3D modelling to the final design. It teaches me to be patient to your work with a good attitude. So that your design will be outstanding. I am willing to discover the problems in our life so I can expand my design area. To expand my skills, I will do some small and easy design during my free time. I make it, then test it. I benefit a lot from them.